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How mobile wallets are transforming the omnichannel customer experience?

Today more than ever, brands are challenged to provide their customers with a seamless, personalized, and consistent experience across all channels. Mobile has emerged as the convergence point for interactions, the indispensable companion that follows us at every moment. At the heart of this revolution, the mobile wallet stands out as a powerful tool for customer activation.

As a true bridge between the digital universe and the physical world, the mobile wallet is reinventing the relationship between businesses and consumers. More than just an application, it's a complete ecosystem that puts the customer back at the center of attention. Thanks to this tool, brands have the opportunity to create ultra-personalized experiences, accompany their customers at every stage of their journey, and strengthen their engagement.

But how can we fully leverage this promising tool? How can it be integrated into a global and coherent customer activation strategy? That's what we'll discover in this article, by exploring best practices for scripting journeys, embodying your brand, and leveraging customer knowledge. These are all key elements to make the mobile wallet a real lever for loyalty and conversion.


The mobile wallet, an engagement channel in your customers' pockets

What is a mobile wallet?

The mobile wallet, also known as a mobile wallet or electronic wallet, is a pre-installed application on smartphones that allows a wide range of content to be stored and organized digitally:

  • Loyalty cards: no more plastic cards cluttering up your wallet! The mobile wallet centralizes all your cards in one place, making them easy to find at the checkout.

  • Coupons and discount vouchers: receive your promo codes directly in your wallet, and present them in-store to benefit from your advantages. No more printing or searching through your emails!

  • Event tickets: concerts, shows, games… Your tickets are securely stored in your wallet, accessible even without an internet connection. A time saver and peace of mind!

  • Boarding passes: your mobile becomes your key to travel. Save your boarding pass in your wallet, and present it directly at security checks and at the boarding gate.

  • Membership cards: sports clubs, associations, libraries… All your membership cards have their place in your wallet, for simplified access to your favorite services.

  • Payment methods: thanks to technologies like Apple Pay or Google Pay, save your bank cards in your wallet to pay for your purchases securely, both in-store and online.


The appeal of the mobile wallet lies in its practicality and ease of use. No more forgetting or overflowing wallets! Your smartphone centralizes all your cards and passes, so you can find them at a glance when you need them.

But the wallet is not just a practical tool for consumers. For brands, it's a great opportunity to come into direct contact with their audience, by integrating into a personal and privileged environment. By offering content adapted to the profile and needs of each customer, companies build a close and trusting relationship, conducive to engagement and loyalty.

No more lost or forgotten paper coupons! Now, a simple scan from your smartphone is enough to take advantage of a promotion or access a service.

With the mobile wallet, the possibilities are endless for creating ever more fluid and personalized customer journeys. And for good reason: by placing the smartphone at the heart of interactions, this technology offers an ideal setting for deploying a powerful and engaging customer activation strategy.

Massive adoption, a unique opportunity for brands

Natively present on 100% of iPhones and widely deployed on Android, the mobile wallet offers brands a tremendous sounding board. By allowing content to be placed directly in the consumer's pocket, it opens up a privileged channel for interacting with your audience and accompanying them at every stage of their journey.

Scripting journeys for a seamless experience

Customer activation, or the art of keeping in touch

The key to a lasting customer relationship, activation consists of maintaining a continuous link with your audiences. This means being present at every stage of the purchasing journey, delivering the right message at the right time. A new subscription, an abandoned cart, a scheduled appointment… Each interaction is an opportunity to communicate in a relevant way and nurture the relationship.

The mobile wallet, an ideal medium for your scenarios

To succeed in your activation campaigns, there's nothing like finely crafted scenarios. With the mobile wallet, bring these journeys to life by creating passes that adapt to each situation:

  • Loyalty cards to reward your regular customers

  • Targeted discount coupons to boost your sales

  • Event tickets to energize your community

  • Boarding passes to facilitate travel

  • Access badges to streamline the in-store experience

These are all triggers for interacting at the right time and boosting your customers' engagement. With Actito, easily script your wallet communications to support each profile throughout their journey, on their preferred channel.

Embody your brand at every touchpoint

Shape experiences that resemble you

The mobile wallet offers a unique opportunity to create digital experiences that faithfully reflect your brand's identity and values. Thanks to intuitive design tools, you can craft cards that capture the essence of your universe, while meeting the needs and expectations of your customers.

Imagine: your logo, your color codes, your graphic charter… All these brand identity elements can be harmoniously integrated into your wallet passes. The goal? To create a consistent and memorable experience that strengthens brand recognition and attachment.

But beyond the visual aspect, the content of your wallet cards must also be carefully thought out. Each message, each offer, each piece of information must bring real added value to your customers. It's an opportunity to show that you understand their needs and that you are there to support them on a daily basis.

A reinforced brand presence

By integrating the mobile wallet into your marketing strategy, you reinforce your brand presence directly in your customers' pockets. Each card becomes a tangible reminder of your relationship, a privileged link accessible in one click from the home screen.

It's the assurance of maintaining a strong connection with your audience, at any time and in any place. Whether it's to broadcast exclusive offers, share inspiring content or simply remind them of your presence, the mobile wallet allows you to maintain a natural and non-intrusive dialogue with your customers.

This reinforced presence is all the more valuable as it takes place in a context of hyper-fragmentation of touchpoints. At a time when consumer attention is more dispersed than ever, the mobile wallet offers a direct and personal channel for interacting with your brand.

Tell your story, your way

Beyond promoting your products and services, the mobile wallet is a great tool for telling your brand's story. It's an opportunity to share your values, your vision, your commitment to your customers.

Each wallet card becomes a new chapter in your storytelling, an opportunity to create an emotional connection with your audience. For example, you can share behind-the-scenes of your company, highlight your employees, or invite your customers to participate in solidarity initiatives.

The challenge is to create authentic and sincere experiences that reflect your brand's unique personality. By humanizing your customer relationship, you strengthen the attachment and loyalty of your audience.

Don't forget that your customers are also your best ambassadors. By offering them memorable experiences via the mobile wallet, you encourage them to share their enthusiasm around them, whether on social networks or in their private circles.

Reach a wide audience without the constraints of an app

Say goodbye to development costs

Developing a mobile application can quickly become a financial pit, between initial costs and long-term maintenance. With the mobile wallet, reach your customers directly on Apple or Google Wallet, without having to manage an additional app. A substantial saving that allows you to focus on what's essential: providing an optimal experience.

Activate the right channels for each profile

Push notifications, SMS, emails… The mobile wallet integrates perfectly into a multi-channel communication strategy. Thanks to your customer knowledge, identify the favorite channels of each profile and personalize your messages accordingly. This targeted approach increases the relevance of your campaigns and boosts their effectiveness.

Combining mobile wallet and customer knowledge, the winning duo

Boost your sales through personalization

By connecting your mobile wallet to your customer knowledge, pave the way for ultra-targeted personalization. Purchase history, preferences, behavior… Leverage these insights to recommend the right products at the right time, and increase your revenue through cross-selling and upselling.

Reward your loyal customers

Because loyalty is cultivated over time, use the mobile wallet to pamper your best customers. Offer them exclusive rewards directly in their mobile wallet, such as gift vouchers or privileged access. An attention that will not fail to strengthen their attachment to your brand.

Reactivate dormant customers

Do you have customers who are no longer showing signs of life? The mobile wallet is the ideal tool to get them back in the saddle! Send them a special offer for their birthday, or a discount coupon on their favorite product. Enough to rekindle the flame and encourage them to come back to you.

Capitalize on key moments

First order, upgrade, renewal… Each stage of the customer lifecycle is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. With the mobile wallet, mark these key moments by offering special attention: a welcome voucher, a VIP invitation, a birthday gift… So many small gestures that make all the difference in the eyes of your customers.

By combining the power of the mobile wallet with a fine knowledge of your customers, you lay the foundations for a strong and lasting relationship marketing. An approach resolutely turned towards hyper-personalization, for conquered and loyal customers!

Key takeaways

A true Swiss Army knife of mobile marketing, the wallet digitalizes and streamlines the omnichannel customer experience. Combined with a fine knowledge of your audiences and relevant activation scenarios, it allows you to reach your customers at the right time and in the right place. To successfully integrate this tool into your strategy, benefit from Actito's expert support. Our teams are at your side to make the mobile wallet a powerful lever for loyalty and conversion.

Want to know more about the mobile wallet and its potential for your business? Contact us now to discuss with our experts!

About the author


Isabelle Henry

Head of Content Marketing and Growth

Imagine a GPS to guide you through the intricacies of marketing automation. That's what I'm all about at Actito, after 18 years of exploring every nook and cranny of marketing! My fuel? Curiosity and the desire to help you discover new horizons. With me, ideas fly at the speed of light. An article here, a video there... I juggle formats like a chef to concoct inspiring content. So, are you ready to embark on a journey to the heart of the latest trends? Fasten your seatbelts!

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