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RFP: How to write an effective request for proposal for your marketing activation project

Do you have a major marketing activation project on the horizon and want to find the ideal service provider to support you? Writing a Request for Proposal (RFP) is a crucial step in achieving this goal. A well-crafted RFP will allow you to clearly communicate your expectations, effectively compare vendor proposals, and select the one that is best suited to meet your specific needs.

In this article, we'll guide you step by step through creating a high-performing RFP for your marketing project, covering the key elements to include and best practices to adopt. You'll also discover our free RFP template, a valuable tool for saving time and effectively structuring your approach. Are you ready to take your vendor selection process to the next level? Let's get started!


1. Understanding the fundamentals of an RFP

What is an RFP and what are its objectives?

An RFP is a detailed document that a company writes when it wants to obtain proposals from external service providers for a specific project. It's an essential tool in the process of purchasing services, particularly in the field of marketing and communication.

The RFP presents the project in detail, including its objectives, challenges, and constraints. It precisely describes the company's expectations in terms of deliverables, methodology, timeline, and budget. The main objective of an RFP is to enable service providers to fully understand the need and propose a tailored and relevant solution.

By writing an RFP, the company seeks to:

  • Obtain structured and detailed proposals from several vendors, thus facilitating the comparison of offers and decision-making.

  • Ensure that vendors have a clear and complete understanding of the project, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings or scope creep during implementation.

  • Have a reference document to rely on throughout the project, from vendor selection to final delivery.

  • Involve and align the various internal stakeholders around a common vision of the project.

Beyond these main objectives, the RFP also plays a key role in the relationship between the company and the vendors. It lays the foundation for a transparent and balanced partnership, where the expectations and responsibilities of each party are clearly defined from the outset. A quality RFP is therefore a guarantee of successful collaboration and results that meet expectations.

How does an RFP differ from an RFQ (Request For Quotation)?

An RFP and an RFQ are two distinct documents, although they are often confused. An RFQ focuses primarily on financial aspects and aims to obtain itemized quotes from vendors. It is generally used when the scope of the project is already well defined. In contrast, an RFP goes further by detailing the strategic, technical, and organizational aspects of the project. It allows for obtaining more comprehensive proposals and better evaluating each vendor's understanding of the need and proposed methodology.

2. The essential elements to include in your RFP

Introduction of your company and project context

Begin your RFP with a brief introduction of your company, its business, and its values. Then outline the context and stakes of the project for which you are seeking a vendor. This introduction will allow candidates to better understand your environment and expectations.

Detailed description of the project and objectives

Be precise and comprehensive in describing your marketing project. Detail the qualitative and quantitative objectives you wish to achieve, as well as the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the project's success. Feel free to include concrete examples to illustrate your expectations.

Required functional and technical specifications

List all the functional and technical specifications necessary for the project's execution. This may include elements such as the communication channels to be used, specific functionalities to be developed, technical constraints to be respected, or integrations with your existing tools such as your CRM. Distinguish between essential elements and those that are important or useful.

Vendor selection criteria

Clearly explain the criteria on which you will base your final selection. These may relate to industry expertise, client references, proposed methodology, quality of deliverables, adherence to deadlines, or budget. Weight these criteria according to their relative importance for your project.

Provisional timeline and allocated budget

Include a detailed provisional timeline outlining the different stages of the project and key milestones to be met. Also specify the allocated budget, indicating whether it is firm or adjustable. This information will allow vendors to propose a realistic approach tailored to your constraints.

3. Key steps to write a high-performing RFP

Clearly identify and prioritize your needs

Before starting to write your RFP, take the time to list and prioritize your needs. Distinguish between essential elements and those that are secondary or optional. This step will allow you to effectively structure your RFP and ensure that the proposals received meet your top priorities.

Involve relevant stakeholders

Writing an RFP should not be a solitary exercise. Identify and involve the various stakeholders concerned by the project within your company (marketing, communication, IT, procurement, general management, etc.). Gather their specific needs and ensure their buy-in to the project objectives. This cross-functional collaboration will allow you to obtain a comprehensive and coherent RFP.

Be precise, comprehensive, and structured in your writing

Write your RFP in a clear, precise, and detailed manner. Adopt a logical structure, with distinct sections and explicit titles. Use short sentences, bullet points, and tables to facilitate reading and understanding. Feel free to give concrete examples to illustrate your points and avoid any ambiguity. A well-written and structured RFP will elicit higher quality responses.

Define relevant and measurable selection criteria

Your selection criteria should align with your project objectives and your company's specificities. Choose relevant, objective, and measurable criteria, such as experience in your industry, quality and consistency of the proposed methodology, ability to meet your deadlines and budget, or compatibility with your internal tools and processes. Weight these criteria according to their relative importance.

Include a realistic timeline for discussions and selection

Establish a precise and realistic timeline for the selection process, allowing sufficient time for discussions with vendors, receipt and analysis of proposals, potential presentations, and final decision-making. Communicate this timeline in your RFP and ensure that you adhere to it. A well-managed timeline will allow you to maintain positive momentum with vendors and start your project under the best conditions.

Distribute the RFP

Once your RFP is finalized, it's time to distribute it to potential vendors. Identify the agencies or companies that best match your expectations and selection criteria. You can rely on your research, recommendations, or specialized platforms. Make sure to provide the necessary information for vendors to respond under the best conditions, including the response timeline and submission guidelines.

4. Make the most of our RFP template

Presentation of the different sections of the template

To make your job easier, we have created a comprehensive and customizable RFP template. This model includes all the key elements discussed in this article, with dedicated sections for introducing your company and project context, functional and technical specifications, selection criteria, and provisional timeline. Each section is accompanied by explanations and examples to guide you in customizing the template.

Tips for effectively customizing the template

  • Adapt the template content to your specific context and project

  • Be precise and concise in your descriptions and expectations

  • Prioritize your needs and emphasize differentiating elements

  • Customize the selection criteria according to your priorities

  • Proofread and have others review the document to avoid any errors or inconsistencies

Tips for effectively customizing the template

Concrete examples for inspiration

To illustrate the practical application of our advice, we have integrated concrete examples of wording for each section into the template. These examples, drawn from different industries and project types, will help you understand how to structure your own RFP and adapt the content to your specific needs. Feel free to draw inspiration from them while keeping in mind the need to personalize your RFP.

Key takeaways

A well-constructed RFP is a valuable tool for selecting the ideal vendor and maximizing the chances of success for your marketing project. By following the advice in this article and using our customizable template, you now have the keys to writing a comprehensive, precise, and relevant RFP. Don't forget to involve the relevant stakeholders, define appropriate selection criteria, and adhere to a realistic timeline throughout the process. With a quality RFP, you will be able to receive tailored proposals from vendors and make an informed decision for your project.

So, are you ready to take action? Download our RFP template now and start writing your customized specifications. A successful marketing project is just waiting for you!

About the author


Isabelle Henry

Head of Content Marketing and Growth

Imagine a GPS to guide you through the intricacies of marketing automation. That's what I'm all about at Actito, after 18 years of exploring every nook and cranny of marketing! My fuel? Curiosity and the desire to help you discover new horizons. With me, ideas fly at the speed of light. An article here, a video there... I juggle formats like a chef to concoct inspiring content. So, are you ready to embark on a journey to the heart of the latest trends? Fasten your seatbelts!

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