The RTBF ecosystem is based on 3 important pillars:
1. Diversity and volume of content:
Today, the RTBF library includes 4 different types of content, all of substantial volumes:
80K articles;
105K videos;
25K of audio;
2K live;
2. Target audiences: The number of profiles that interact with the various RTBF content amounts to 4.3 million (in Single Authentication). Of these profiles, 60% are men and 40% are women.
3. The interactions generated by the audiences vis-à-vis the content: With such rich and diversified content and a large volume of registered profiles, the interactions generated are of a proportional order of magnitude. Indeed, video views are in hundreds of millions, and so is the consumption of articles. Furthermore, around 40 million e-mails from RTBF are opened every year.